EFTB.eu is a non-official website about Entertainment For The Braindead, a one-person banjo/guitar/voice/etc. band under Creative Commons. We're trying to have a complete overview of the music, including songs and albums to download, lyrics, tabs and all. Please contribute to help us make this the most complete archive about EFTB ever.


Entertainment For The Bloggers

(That's just the news for this unofficial website, updated once in a while, the official news are on the right.)

Sunday 10 March 2024 at 15:25

Oh, hi stranger.

This place is now working again, after being broken for so long.

Not much news I'm afraid, apart from some music released 2 years ago on her YouTube channel.

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Monday 27 January 2020 at 21:28

It has been a long time but I'm still alive!

Julia released a new album in 2017 called SUN, it's available on her bandcamp page. It's not released under a Creative Commons license anymore. She explains why on her blog. There's also more content on her soundcloud.

She is still touring, you can keep informed on her official website or her blog.

Unfortunately as she doesn't release under CC anymore we can't publish any of that new content here so far.

By the way I fixed the player, it now works without Flash!

Have a nice life. See you and thanks for all the songs :)

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Wednesday 08 April 2015 at 02:14

And time has passed. Two more EPs and one live EP have been released as part of Julias' wonderful Postcards EPs. They are now on this website as well.

But since 2013, there's nothing happening so far. Even AAAHH records website is dead. Well that can't be good. But Julias' told on Twitter that a new album is on its way. We'll keep you posted if anything happens.

Until that we're going back to bed. Good night.

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Sunday 08 September 2013 at 11:17

Man it's been a while!

Since last december Julia released a lot of drawings and photos (she has a new photoblog called Mydriasis).

We added the last three "postcards" EPs to this website but you can also find them on bandcamp. We also added the "Mountain Session" EP which is a new take on some songs from the Postcard #5 EP.

She now has a lot of presence in the so-called "social" websites and there's a few songs released on her soundcloud.

It looks like cassettes are the new hipster hype as she just joined in with a "nostalgia" cassette release of her second album hydrophobia.

As for this website, we now have lyrics for every song ever released from EFTB, so that's good and that's thanks to the dozens of contributions you made, thank you! We still have quite some work in the tabs transcription area, so come on, don't be shy!

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Saturday 22 December 2012 at 03:34

Three new EPs from EFTB

Postcard vol. 1

Julia's EFTB project has released three new EPs those last weeks: Postcards vol. 1, 2 and 3 talk about those precious moments when travelling in Istanbul, Cologne and Hiddensee.

They are now available on this website, complete with lyrics and all, thanks to an attentive visitor.

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Thursday 02 February 2012 at 18:02

Denmaaahhrk compilation

EFTB's label finally released their Denmaaahhrk compilation featuring most of their artists playing together and creating some music.

This compilation includes one song with Julia singing (Get out) and possibly some others. The compilation can be downloaded and shared under the CC-By-NC license.

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Saturday 16 July 2011 at 15:14

Comments were broken, now they're fixed, sorry guys.

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Thursday 23 June 2011 at 09:46

Berlin Kitchen Sessions

Berlin Kitchen Sessions was released some days ago, and one of our fellow visitors and EFTB-fan sent us an audio rip of the album, which is yet to be released on Aaahh records website, so we are releasing it here: Berlin Kitchen Sessions. For the people out there who weren't fast enough to order the album from Julia, this is your chance to listen to this great new album.

It also means that we have new tracks to listen, understand and write the lyrics, as part of the lyrics transcription, so get to your keyboard, ready go!

If you missed it, be also sure to check the piano track she released on her Tumblr two weeks ago, it's amazing, we can't wait to hear more.

On this website, nothing new really, we just added a new fav-icon for the website:

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Friday 10 June 2011 at 10:42

Julia's Berlin Kitchen Sessions is nine songs, "old and new", recorded from nine different kitchens where she stayed.

You can pre-order a handmade CD from her website: Berlin Kitchen Sessions

Playlist is as follow: An Island. Sister. Hush. Cracks. Last Song. Wonder. When You Were Young. One Moment. A Smile.

She plans to release the music online some time after the physical release.

On this website, we added a 'photography' page which contains both official pictures and fan pics. Contact us to get added to the page if you want to. And please as well keep to update the lyrics, we're almost there, the transcription is almost complete!

See you soon folks.

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Monday 18 April 2011 at 08:18

We're not dead, we were just sleeping.

Okay folks the good news is that we now have quite some lyrics, almost 50% of the songs have a lyrics transcript, Hydrophobia is 100% completed and Seven (+1) is almost complete. But there is still work to do, like for Hypersomnia which is quite incomplete, Trivialities which currently doesn't have any lyrics, or Roadkill and Raw Timber which lyrics have some blanks and misunderstood parts. But we're on the good way.

Secondly we now have a tabs section, and you can tab each song. It's actually made to work with string instruments (which is cool btw 'cause Julia uses them most of the time), but if you wish to contribute music sheets instead of tabs, please contact us.

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Saturday 12 February 2011 at 00:28

Hey kids, still there? Okay we've got new stuff for you!

First, don't forget our lyrics page, please help us filling up the blanks so that we all have a better understanding of the lyrics (and so we'll all be able to single at the live shows, awesome or awful!).

Then some news from the official eftb side, there is now a Tumblr blog Julia set up where you will find some news and a song. It's getting a bit difficult to follow all the stuff she's doing so we set a new page to track all those web places where you can get news.

She also announced on lamebook "some new homecooked CD editions" coming soon (great!), so we're waiting for it.

And finally we added two new music directories on this website: remixes, which contains all the remixes of eftb's songs at this date (if you have one that we don't know about, drop a line) and unreleased stuff, all the stuff that she's done and that is actually not published in albums or EPs. Of course you can listen to all these songs on the website and download them.

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Sunday 30 January 2011 at 01:35

Hey there folks, we now have a lyrics page which resumes what songs currently have lyrics filled up or not.

Please contribute and help us fill all the songs lyrics.

If you can't understand a word or more in a song, please fill with '(missing)' (including parenthesis) so that we can know there's still more work to do. Thanks all!

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Monday 24 January 2011 at 22:38

Some news from the official EFTB website through a little picture on its home:

Seems that Julia is just taking a break from the internets, not from music. Now I can breathe.

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Wednesday 01 December 2010 at 22:32

First day for the EFTB non-official website, its a little shy and new, please help it grow and make friends...

Why creating this website? Recently I kinda had a panic attack seeing that EFTB official website was down, and then going to see other stuff online everything was being taken done: BandCamp, Twitter, Facebook, and so all. I said to myself this great music and art can't disappear from this little planet, so I decided to make this website to have everything in the same place.

For the moment the website is pretty simple: you can see, listen and download all albums of EFTB. You can also participate by editing the lyrics of each song.

Next plans include (completely out of order): including tabs and chords (please send them to me if you have some), some videos, ability to comment on each song/album/etc., listen and download unpublished songs and remixes, some photographs, maybe an upcoming show calendar, etc. well we'll see. If you wanna help please say it so in the comments.

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Official news

Unfortunately there doesn't seems to be news anymore, but you can still check those websites to see if anything comes back to life someday:

Official website | Aaahh records | Last.FM page

Last contributions

Please help us, contribute to lyrics transcription or tabs transcription.

This is a non-official EFTB website | Contact: @bohwaz@mamot.fr on Mastodon